I guess the smartphone will do!

According to my 'plan', I was supposed to finish this painting this weekend. Guess not! At least I already knew it. I had estimated to take 6 weeks (two sessions per week) to paint each project, but with school and all I just could not meet the deadline. The California Poppies are just gonna have to wait. Like I said before, I'd rather just submit one strong piece.

Picture taken with my phone. A little blurry, for sure.

As for documenting the project, I started to take pictures with my phone. It's not the fanciest or the most apt for the job, but it will have to do for a while. The pictures are grainy and there is no flash, so avoiding blurry pictures is a challenge. Maybe I'll keep it simple for the next couple of paintings and not update as often.

I will have a busier schedule starting Fall, though. So it's very possible I won't paint at all until next year and this camera incident won't even be a problem. Scary thought, but what are you gonna do?

Once this is done, the painting will finally start looking complete!

The Matilija Poppy painting is looking great. I am working on the yellow stems and pistil right now. After that, I will define some more leaves and contours and I will be pretty much done. I'm so looking forward to finish this painting!